Monday 7 July 2014

Walter Chawanda has done it again...

Sharon Manyonganise is a Zimbabwean based gospel artist who outside of being a solo artist she also is one of the leading voices of the Group Zimpraise.

The songs focal point is highlighting that all that you see is "God Breathed" (made) and it's not by our doing but by Gods divine power. The song express an exceptional vocal delivery blended with a well produced instrumentation made by producer Sonny Ncube. The song is due to be released on the 16.07.2014 and will be available on every major online shopping outlets.

This song is guaranteed to have you bopping your heads, clapping your hands and surely moving your feet.

Thursday 12 June 2014

"5 Minutes with Nduna Q Silace"

"5 Minutes with Nduna Q Silace"

Nduna? Who is Nduna?……This is the most popular question asked by people when they hear the sweet melodies and mature message often churned out by now popular Zimdancehall artist. Born "Qinisela Mhlanga", and popularly known as"Nduna Q Silace" by his legion of fans, he has composed several hit songs that have seen plenty of airtime on various online radio stations, with also a dedicated channel on YouTube (Kev5007). His most popular song- "Kana Ndinewe" has been an anthem at most parties, weddings, gochi gochi (BBQs), and in night clubs.
This 27 year old, known to be humble and down to earth, was born in Nkayi (Matebeleland) and grew up at Gwebi College.  Born in a family of 4 siblings but sadly his only sister passed away in 2010. He attended school at Gwebi primary and later went to Nyavira Secondary. He is a loving husband and a proud father of one
According to Nduna, he never foresaw himself being a dancehall artist but he knew he was lyrically gifted with a rhyming talent that can only leave one in total awe as heard in his song-"Handina Reverse Dhiri".  His first inspirational source was Alexio Kawara, Glen Washington, but it was Freeman who inspired him to venture into the Zimdancehall fraternity when they met at Nhubu Studios where they recorded 5 tracks together-“Ndangariro”, “Pane vaye, vaye”, “Runokwana”, “Handichakuda”, “Ndagutsikana”.
So, I had to ask him , why the name NDUNA?, as this is not a name most artists would prefer and he explains in his childhood neighbourhood where he grew up, people used to refer to his family as Nduna’s, which translates to "Chief or King" in Ndebele, someone who is honoured, respected and cherished. Most people who have listened to his music would  probably recognize the distinct ‘Silaciaah’ at the beginning of most of his and asked the meaning of it, the laid back singer explains it’s meant to identify his style, similar to "Winky D" saying Kamaan,  as he chuckles.

With a voice often referred to as melodically soft, Nduna’s passion is love and unity which is evident in most of his songs. Some of his songs refer to fairness in the country (Ghetto RYTS and Mr Minister) although he reiterates its not politically motivated but just expressing the difficulties the upcoming generations face day to day.
 His love songs have all ages mesmerised with his diverse and mature lyrics and the singer explains ,“I get inspirations from day to day observations and experience”. The song-‘Kana Ndinewe’ hit the airwaves religiously but according to Nduna, the one song he penned with all his heart was ‘Letter to Wadza’ which the artist describes he used more than 200 words to express how he felt at that time. He explains “It is evident when you listen to the song; it is one of the few songs I have written with no chorus but continued expression of my feelings”.

When asked what should someone expect to hear when they listen to your music, he states that like most artists, he hopes his music is deemed constructive, yet entertaining at the same time, “Most marriages are falling apart and I hope when someone listens to my songs, it will take them back to when they first met or my music will remind them how blessed they are to be in each other’s lives”.

Future prospects?, Nduna acknowledges that  Zimdancehall industry is currently flooded with upcoming artists who have a plethora of talent, all hoping to have that one hit single, but he hopes in the next coming years, his music will continue to be a distinct brand which reflects maturity and constructive lyrics to the audience. 

The artist acknowledges he has worked with a lot of people who have been a stepping platform in his career, including Nhubu Digital, Levels, Tman, Samba Bee, Oblic, Dollargetta, Fidel, Tevin, Cashlibs, Kingvibes .And he gives special thanks to Dj Sparks who supported him with local distribution and his International Manager Kev Maf

As a big fan of Nduna myself it brings me great pleasure to have moments like these. Again the future of our Zimdancehall continues to shine brighter by the day. That always puts a smile on my face on a regular basis. Lets continue to support our Local Talent as they are the future of our Music Industry.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

"The King of Style Qounfuzed turns 21"

"The King of Style Qounfuzed turns 21"
by Jackie Chibamu
As we help the talented "Macdonald Sheldon" known too well by his stage name of "Qounfuzed" celebrate his 21st birthday today . With age comes maturity too, this year so far the young and talented artist has had his ups and downs like any other artist and young man in this industry, but it seems the future is looking brighter for him. As he turns 21 today , a lot of doors seem to be opening up in his career as well as personal life.

Asked how he felt about being 21 today Qounfuzed had this to say " My 20 years so far have been OK, a few potholes and ups and downs personally and professionally but that's life , I managed to get through them. That 1 added today is what I am using as experience, I have learnt alot and looking forward to now putting to practise what I have learnt. I have made alot of mistakes but also learnt alot from them and made some changes to my life in many areas". I am looking forward to the future because there so many exciting things that lay ahead for me.

Lately a lot has been happening in his musical career, with him landing himself with International Management as well as his first International UK Tour lined up for the 1,2&3August 2014 promoted by Classic Entertainment . " I am so excited about this tour and looking forward to it. I just want to thank Classic Entertainment for giving me this opportunity because it's every artist's dream come true to tour the UK". 

His love for Charity work as landed him a role has one of the Ambassadors for a  Charity called Care Reserve which is working with the children at Rusike Care Home
. He is currently working on the Charity song and will be visiting the Children's home a few days a month doing varies activities with them starting this month. He will also be holding some Fund raising Events for the Charity as well to help raise money for different needs.
"This is a new experience for me and  I am totally looking forward to it. I am personally excited about this as this will show a different side of me that a lot of people have never seen before. It's something positive and something that makes me happy as well. It will show my maturity and I am proud of myself that I will be able to use my time wisely. This is certainly my greatest achievement so far as it's something I have always wanted to do and I encourage other artists to get involved with any Charity work they can . It will certainly make a difference in someones life and the feeling of knowing that you have put a smile on someones face is totally priceless"

As if this is not enough, Qounfuzed has in the past 4 weeks managed to shoot a total of 8 videos that will all be released on the 10th of June on These videos will feature some of his hit songs POTO, Ndakusuwa, Kure just to mention a few.The 8th video was done as a documentary type that features an overall of his work so far including his live performances and other stuff he is currently working on at present. It also features some artists too he has worked with just saying what they think about him and his work. A preview of his videos will be shown on the 8th as a "Birthday Special "to all his fans that have always supported him over the years and continue to encourage him to keep pressing on.

I just want to take this opportunity to thank my Mother for always supporting my dream, God for the talent he gave me , My Manager Walter for always standing by me through thick and thin. To every one who has shown me undying love I say thank you. Thank you too Jackie Chibamu for everything. All my fans all over the world ,  all the Djs and Promoters out there ndokudayi mese and "Tisu Tega Tiriko"

His officially Birthday Party will be held on Sunday the 8th of June @ Splash-Mereki from 3pm-late . This event is Hosted by MaddUnit Family// Garry B .. Over 20 Artists are set to perform live.

Personally when I get to talk about things like this I do it with great joy. It's good to know that your yesterday does not out line your tomorrow. We all make mistakes in our day to day lives but as long as we are ready to learn something and move on then the sky is the limit. It gives me great joy to be working with Qounfuzed and his Manager Walter who are working tirelessly to ensure that all goes to plan. Surely with the right guidance and encouragement from the right people our music industry and the artists in it will stand strong and grow. The sky is the limit as long as one is ready to put in all the hard work.

Happy 21st "Macdonald Sheldon" aka "Qounfuzed", never give up on your dreams because dreams can come true . Dream big and big things will happen. Have a great day as you deserve it.

Monday 12 May 2014

“A Rising Star”

“A Rising Star”
By Jackie Chibamu

As Zim dancehall continues to be the talk on everyone’s lips nationwide, especially after the Summer Fiesta that took place over a week ago promoted by Digital 1 Int that had a line-up of 7 of the best artists out of Zimbabwe. Amongst it all is what I personally call a “Star in the Making”, he goes by the stage name of “Qounfuzed”. He recently made press after punching a fellow dancehall artist “Seh  Calaz” at a show following a misunderstanding. He later on apologized to his fans for his behaviour and they made peace for the incident.
At just the tender age of 21 Qounfuzed’s, real name” Macdonald Sheldon” is already starting to make noise in the Zimdancehall scene as a “Rising Star”, with his hit song “Ndakusuwa” being the favourite of his fans and the most played at the moment.  When I first heard his music last year, I knew that his future in Zimdancehall was well bright. He has grown from being just an ordinary ZimDancehall artist into a “Rising Super Star”. His lyrics show growth from when he first started at a tender age of 16.
Labelled as the “King of Style” because of always looking smart at all times, Qounfuzed has been working very hard lately which is getting him recognition from all over the world. His management has been doing a great job so far in making sure that his talent is noticed and appreciated.  As I normally do, I had to get in touch with this young man and this is what he had to say about himself. 
JC : Hey Qounfuzed , how are you doing today?
Q : I am doing very well Jackie , How are you?
JC : I am great thank you. 

 JC :Tell us who Qounfuzed is?
Q : My real name is McDonald Sheldon I am the First Son in a family of 2 boys and 1 girl

JC :How did you come up with the name Qounfuzed?
Q :Qounfuzed simply means a “Conscious fused mind or person” which is what I am.

JC :How long have you been singing Zim Dancehall? And why Dancehall?
Q : I started recording Zimdancehall professionally in 2008. I chose Zimdancehall 
because I figured that is where I belong and that is where my strength is and as you can see I am on the rise at the moment. 

JC: What was your big break?
Q: The collaboration with Freeman in 2011 on a track called “Chimbovarega” it was the rise of “Qounfuzed”.

JC : What inspires your music?
Q : Life and everyday experiences.

JC : Any albums so far?
Q: I released my 1st album in 2011 called “KING OF STYLE which featured Freeman and I am currently working on my 2nd .

JC :  Who do you look up to?
Q : I look up to my mum and close friends. They motivate and support me.

JC : When did you first perform live and how was that experience for you?
Q : First live performance was back in 2008 at a school function...It was really a good thing watching people dance to my music as I performed and the after effects after that also helped me to continue with my music journey.

JC : Your lyrics are rich. Where do you get them from??
Q : Life as a whole with its surroundings.

JC : Which big artists have you shared the stage with so far?
Q : Mr Vegas, Winky D, Stunner, Freeman, Sulumani Chimbetu.

JC : What are the challenges you are facing as an upcoming ZimDancehall artist?
 Q :  Getting the right music sound quality and video quality...getting everyone to understand the different types of styles I try to bring as an artist each time I release a new track. 

JC : Any regrets so far?
Q :  I don’t regret anything that I have already done ...I only regret what I haven’t done.

JC : What are your thoughts on music in Zimbabwe, especially the Zimdancehall at the moment?
Q : I believe Zimdancehall is the “in” thing right now and is getting to greater heights. It’s a genre, a movement and a way of life. 

JC : What do you thing should be done to improve the industry as it stands?
Q : The Economy should start investing more in the Entertainment industry because It has become a source of income for most people. 

JC : Do you feel that you are getting enough support from the media, fans etc.?
Q : So far I think the media is doing quite a good job I have done a lot of Radio, Tv & Newspaper interviews lately and the fans are also giving great feedback through social medias and live shows.

JC : Where do you see the future of Zimdancehall going and what’s your place there?
Q :  Zimdancehall is going International in no time and obviously I’m going on top ,I have recently managed to get a new management team both locally and internationally and that is a “WOW” moment for me. 

JC : Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Q : Only God knows but I hope to be better, a good leader and Icon too.

JC : If you were not making music, what would be your choice of career?
Q : Anything that involves Art ...Fashion ...TV.

JC : What do you like to spend your spear time doing?
Q : I like watching TV and hanging out with my crew.

JC : What advice or words of encourage would you give to any upcoming young and talented artists like yourself who want to get into the industry too? 

Q : Hard work pays off ,and Never give up on your talent.
JC : Thank you very much Qounfuzed for taking time to chat with me today.
Q : The pleasure is all mine Jackie, thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so.

This young man no doubt is going places. It brings me great joy to see that our industry is growing into one that has more class as well as value. We are certainly breeding “Super Stars” from our own youths. Keep your eyes peeled for this young man because his future looks really good from where I am standing. To listen to any of his music please follow the links below. and >>

Saturday 26 April 2014


Zimbabwe’s darling, and 1 of my dear and talented friends Cynthia Mare, since her album launch in tribute to her late mother Enita Charewa-Chamboko, is back with a joyful Mother’s Day Celebration Event and this time it’s for all the mothers of Zimbabwe. The singer of the hit song Zuva Rimwe (Dai Zvaibvira) along with other hits like Ndokutenda Sei, Pfugama Unamate, Catch Me When I fall, has set out to show appreciation to all mothers by rallying everyone else to do the same. She will partner with companies and individuals who support the movement. She also plans to make this a yearly event.

This upcoming event is on this Mother’s Day, Sunday the 11th of May 2pm -6pm and will be held at the beautiful and tranquil KwaMambo Restaurant, 40 Cork Road, Avondale in Harare. A wonderful V.I.P. three-course lunch will be served together with a themed heartfelt afro centric performance by Cynthia Mare and her band and special free hampers for all the mothers present as their gift towards the special Mother’s Day occasion.
When asked to comment on the occasion, Cynthia Mare urged on the importance of celebrating Mothers Day. She added that she sees this as an opportunity to reflect on the good years she had with her late mother and share in that celebration with other mothers and their families. She encourages people to always give back to their mothers for the great work they do and irreplaceable role they play.
What I personally liked about this particular occasion is that it has been opened to all Zimbabweans including the Diaspora. Those in the Diaspora like myself, can still buy a ticket for loved ones who are in Zimbabwe via PayPal. It’ s not only for the mothers but a family day. The whole family can come out and make their mother, sister, aunt, or guardian feel special. So, this year make it a date with Cynthia Mare in commemorating Mother’s Day in Zimbabwe with love.
Mother’s Day Celebration Event with a special live performance from Cynthia Mare and full band.
Lavish 3 -course meal
Free hampers for mothers
Sunday 11 May 2014, 2pm-6pm
At KwaMambo Restaurant
Tickets sold in advance only
 $45 per adult.
Tickets available at KwaMambo Restaurant. 40 Cork Road, Avondale.
Call Tytan on +263774426365
KwaMambo restaurant on 04253586
People paying from overseas can pay via the secure paypal on this email:
Keep in touch with Cynthia Mare on:

So there you have it. I know here in the UK we celebrate our mother's day earlier than in Zimbabwe but for most our families are over there. I hope you take this opportunity to treat someone special even in your absents . I for one think that this is a very good event so don't be left behind .

Saturday 22 March 2014


When it comes to the things that excite me, music is certainly at the top of the list. When I heard about an Organisation called Muwofo and what they are about, I totally got excited. Just knowing that there is a group of people willing to change the music industry in such a big way certainly puts a smile on my face.

Muwofo is a group of 165 countries, each country is represented by a committee that seeks to unite musicians of all genre’s all over the world. It was formed in 2009 by musicians from all over the world. In Zimbabwe, Muwofo is represented by “The African Prince of Afro-fusion” Que Montana. He has managed to put together a committee and  they are working on making a difference to our music industry as a whole.

The thing that caught my eye most of all is how Muwofo has the interests of the musicians at heart. For so long musicians ,especially in Zimbabwe have no idea about music business, music law and things like that. Muwofo is there to educate its members about these things as well as creating opportunities for artists who are finding it hard to get noticed out there. They also get to train those artists that want to learn a new instrument to enhance their careers. Moreover they  give musicians opportunities to be able to tour internationally at festivals and other big events. Now surely this is something that our music industry needs to keep going. We have a lot of young and very talented artists all over the country but most of them lack guidance, direction as well as resources to become better musicians.
Muwofo is looking to officially launch in Zimbabwe in a couple of months time. The theme this year is “Celebrating Diversity, Celebrating Music”, This, they will most certainly do with a series of events and festivals all over the country, so keep your eyes and ears opened for dates.

The biggest and best news has to be about Zimbabwe possibly hosting the Muwofo World Cup 2016. This is a competition where all  countries come together with their best bands, soloist etc and compete to be crowned the champion . Now for this to happen, we as Zimbabweans have to come together and show our support. This is no doubt a very big opportunity, not just for the music industry but for Zimbabwe as a whole. We want to bring the World Cup 2016 to our motherland.

To find out more information about Muwofo or the World Cup, please feel free to have a look on their website. Applications to become a member or to register for the Music World Cup are still open , just log on to and please like their facebook page

Sunday 16 March 2014

"Ella Bvumbe scoops 2 ZAA’s Nominations"

It’s that time again, The time we start shopping for amazing looking frocks, red carpet and everything else that comes with it. Yes! the Zim Achievers Awards 2014. Every year the organizers seem to be elevating the event to a different level. This year I caught up with one of the young ladies who was nominated in 2 categories in these prestigious award.  Ella Bvumbe is a 22 year old young lady who is the owner of HouseofElla ,an online Boutique for women’s wear ,specializing in *Celebrity Bodycon Dresses*. Ella has been nominated for Personality of the year as well as  Innovation. Seeing someone who actually deserves to be nominated is a very good thing. This young lady has been through a lot and excelled despite the odds that were against her. Having her mother diagnosed with cancer left her having to go out and find work at a young age to be able to support herself and her mother. Her mother finally recovered from cancer and is now healthy and well.

HouseOfElla was formed in May 2013 and was nominated Best Online Store by Her website was re-branded and relaunched on 15th of Feb 2013, It currently has over 80,000 views. Ella is always supportive of other events taking place in the community. As far as these nominations are concerned, no one deserves them better than she does. This young lady has a great personality if I must say so myself. She is always pleasant and always smiling. There is never a dull moment with her, always posting encouraging messages on her facebook wall and looks forward to the next day. Ella is currently the reigning 2nd Princess for Miss Zim UK 2013. Her passion is to inspire young people to become whatever they dream of becoming no matter the circumstances . Her hard work and perseverance makes her a great role model for young ladies. This young lady is certainly “Bhundu Certified” in my books. I had a very brief interview with her and this is what she had to say:

Jackie : You have been nominated for 2 awards in the upcoming ZAA’s, please tell us what categories you were nominated for?
Ella : Personality of the Year and Innovation of the Year.

Jackie : How does it make you feel to be recognized for all your hard work?
Ella : When I saw my name under the categories, I was so emotional, I literally cried it felt so good. They were all tears of joy to know that my hard work was being recognized.

Jackie : What has been the inspiration of your achievements so far?
Ella : Believing in myself and my dreams, knowing how much i want this and my goal, I had to motivate myself to accomplish my dreams. My family has supported and believed in me, they never doubted me.

Jackie: As a young lady, what advice or encouragement would you give to other young ladies out there?
Ella : No matter how hard your situation may look or sound, if you have a dream, go for it. Have a faith and a positive mind.

Jackie : What does the future hold for “HouseOfElla”?
Ella : Well to be honest with you I haven’t even started yet, bigger and better things are to come and be prepared for some surprises. HouseofElla will be launching it’s new clothing line soon.

It’s always a pleasure speaking to young ladies who are living their dreams. Having events like these in our community that recognizes and appreciates hard work is an encouraging thing indeed. The award ceremony will be held on the 10th of May in the heart of London. If you have not already voted , please follow the link below and cast your vote. Lets keep encouraging and supporting these young people in our communities to keep shining brighter as they are the future.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

"Don't Give Up"

As I am celebrating reaching 500 page views today, I would like once again to express my gratitude to all of you for taking time to read my blog. Today I would like to share with you a piece of writing that always gets me back up in those moments when it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Being a single mother can be very difficult and hard sometimes. I always get down on my knees and put all to Him as He is the creator of all. He always comes through and makes a way were there seems to be no way. I hope this piece will inspire someone and encourage them to keep going even when it seems like all is lost. 

Keep Believing in Yourself
There may be days when you get up in the morning and things aren't
the way you hoped they would be.
That's when you have to tell yourself that things will get better.
There are times when people disappoint you and let you down.
But those are the times when you must remind yourself to trust 
your own judgement and opinions, to keep your life focused on 
believing in yourself.
There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life,
and it is up to you to accept them.

Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction for you.
It may not be easy at times, but in those times of struggle you will 
find a stronger sense of who you are.
So when the days come that are filled with frustration and
 unexpected responsibilities,remember to believe in yourself 
and all you want your life to be.
Because the challenges will only help you to find the goals 
that you know are meant to come true for you.

Over the years I have learnt to always keep my head above the water and believe that things will get better no matter what i might be going through. I always have faith and trust in the Lord because he will never put me in a place were he can not protect me. I always believe that every thing I go through in life is for a reason and in the end it all works out. So what ever you might be going through right now , just know that it will pass. Believe in your abilities and trust God to do his part.