Monday 12 May 2014

“A Rising Star”

“A Rising Star”
By Jackie Chibamu

As Zim dancehall continues to be the talk on everyone’s lips nationwide, especially after the Summer Fiesta that took place over a week ago promoted by Digital 1 Int that had a line-up of 7 of the best artists out of Zimbabwe. Amongst it all is what I personally call a “Star in the Making”, he goes by the stage name of “Qounfuzed”. He recently made press after punching a fellow dancehall artist “Seh  Calaz” at a show following a misunderstanding. He later on apologized to his fans for his behaviour and they made peace for the incident.
At just the tender age of 21 Qounfuzed’s, real name” Macdonald Sheldon” is already starting to make noise in the Zimdancehall scene as a “Rising Star”, with his hit song “Ndakusuwa” being the favourite of his fans and the most played at the moment.  When I first heard his music last year, I knew that his future in Zimdancehall was well bright. He has grown from being just an ordinary ZimDancehall artist into a “Rising Super Star”. His lyrics show growth from when he first started at a tender age of 16.
Labelled as the “King of Style” because of always looking smart at all times, Qounfuzed has been working very hard lately which is getting him recognition from all over the world. His management has been doing a great job so far in making sure that his talent is noticed and appreciated.  As I normally do, I had to get in touch with this young man and this is what he had to say about himself. 
JC : Hey Qounfuzed , how are you doing today?
Q : I am doing very well Jackie , How are you?
JC : I am great thank you. 

 JC :Tell us who Qounfuzed is?
Q : My real name is McDonald Sheldon I am the First Son in a family of 2 boys and 1 girl

JC :How did you come up with the name Qounfuzed?
Q :Qounfuzed simply means a “Conscious fused mind or person” which is what I am.

JC :How long have you been singing Zim Dancehall? And why Dancehall?
Q : I started recording Zimdancehall professionally in 2008. I chose Zimdancehall 
because I figured that is where I belong and that is where my strength is and as you can see I am on the rise at the moment. 

JC: What was your big break?
Q: The collaboration with Freeman in 2011 on a track called “Chimbovarega” it was the rise of “Qounfuzed”.

JC : What inspires your music?
Q : Life and everyday experiences.

JC : Any albums so far?
Q: I released my 1st album in 2011 called “KING OF STYLE which featured Freeman and I am currently working on my 2nd .

JC :  Who do you look up to?
Q : I look up to my mum and close friends. They motivate and support me.

JC : When did you first perform live and how was that experience for you?
Q : First live performance was back in 2008 at a school function...It was really a good thing watching people dance to my music as I performed and the after effects after that also helped me to continue with my music journey.

JC : Your lyrics are rich. Where do you get them from??
Q : Life as a whole with its surroundings.

JC : Which big artists have you shared the stage with so far?
Q : Mr Vegas, Winky D, Stunner, Freeman, Sulumani Chimbetu.

JC : What are the challenges you are facing as an upcoming ZimDancehall artist?
 Q :  Getting the right music sound quality and video quality...getting everyone to understand the different types of styles I try to bring as an artist each time I release a new track. 

JC : Any regrets so far?
Q :  I don’t regret anything that I have already done ...I only regret what I haven’t done.

JC : What are your thoughts on music in Zimbabwe, especially the Zimdancehall at the moment?
Q : I believe Zimdancehall is the “in” thing right now and is getting to greater heights. It’s a genre, a movement and a way of life. 

JC : What do you thing should be done to improve the industry as it stands?
Q : The Economy should start investing more in the Entertainment industry because It has become a source of income for most people. 

JC : Do you feel that you are getting enough support from the media, fans etc.?
Q : So far I think the media is doing quite a good job I have done a lot of Radio, Tv & Newspaper interviews lately and the fans are also giving great feedback through social medias and live shows.

JC : Where do you see the future of Zimdancehall going and what’s your place there?
Q :  Zimdancehall is going International in no time and obviously I’m going on top ,I have recently managed to get a new management team both locally and internationally and that is a “WOW” moment for me. 

JC : Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Q : Only God knows but I hope to be better, a good leader and Icon too.

JC : If you were not making music, what would be your choice of career?
Q : Anything that involves Art ...Fashion ...TV.

JC : What do you like to spend your spear time doing?
Q : I like watching TV and hanging out with my crew.

JC : What advice or words of encourage would you give to any upcoming young and talented artists like yourself who want to get into the industry too? 

Q : Hard work pays off ,and Never give up on your talent.
JC : Thank you very much Qounfuzed for taking time to chat with me today.
Q : The pleasure is all mine Jackie, thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so.

This young man no doubt is going places. It brings me great joy to see that our industry is growing into one that has more class as well as value. We are certainly breeding “Super Stars” from our own youths. Keep your eyes peeled for this young man because his future looks really good from where I am standing. To listen to any of his music please follow the links below. and >>

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