Monday 17 February 2014


It has taken me a whole year to get my writing skills back to play. It's been a while since I did any writing of any sort so I maybe a bit rusty to start with .I've always been known for writing articles about entertainment and conducting interviews and so fourth. My blog is going to be different from my usual, this will be my platform to do some free writing . It will mainly contain my thoughts, feeling ,experiences etc. I am looking forward to sharing with you all in the hopes that what I write on here will change someone's life one way or another.  

As I sit here with my laptop on my lap, I am trying to figure out where to begin. Do I start by introducing myself, or do I just get in there and start writing? Both of those things right now seem to be ideal so I will go ahead and do a bit of both. My name is Jackie Chibamu , I am 32 years old and a proud single mother of 2 boys aged 9&7 . I believe that life is too short to sit back and let your dreams pass you by. I am a strong believe in getting up every morning and going for what I want out of life. Giving up is not an option for me, I would rather try my best and fail, than to just sit there not knowing if I could have made it or not. As I warm up to all this , u will get to know much more about me and the things that make me the person I am. This journey that we are embarking on together will certainly be a great experience for everyone involved. That's all for now.... but before I go , I just want to say that " Be fearless, be brave,be bold and love yourself, no one can do a better job of that more than you can".