Tuesday 25 February 2014

"Don't Give Up"

As I am celebrating reaching 500 page views today, I would like once again to express my gratitude to all of you for taking time to read my blog. Today I would like to share with you a piece of writing that always gets me back up in those moments when it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Being a single mother can be very difficult and hard sometimes. I always get down on my knees and put all to Him as He is the creator of all. He always comes through and makes a way were there seems to be no way. I hope this piece will inspire someone and encourage them to keep going even when it seems like all is lost. 

Keep Believing in Yourself
There may be days when you get up in the morning and things aren't
the way you hoped they would be.
That's when you have to tell yourself that things will get better.
There are times when people disappoint you and let you down.
But those are the times when you must remind yourself to trust 
your own judgement and opinions, to keep your life focused on 
believing in yourself.
There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life,
and it is up to you to accept them.

Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction for you.
It may not be easy at times, but in those times of struggle you will 
find a stronger sense of who you are.
So when the days come that are filled with frustration and
 unexpected responsibilities,remember to believe in yourself 
and all you want your life to be.
Because the challenges will only help you to find the goals 
that you know are meant to come true for you.

Over the years I have learnt to always keep my head above the water and believe that things will get better no matter what i might be going through. I always have faith and trust in the Lord because he will never put me in a place were he can not protect me. I always believe that every thing I go through in life is for a reason and in the end it all works out. So what ever you might be going through right now , just know that it will pass. Believe in your abilities and trust God to do his part.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Queen of my world

Today is indeed a very special day in our family reason being that, this is the day our mother entered into this world 55 years ago. Celebrating birthday's is something that we have always taken serious in our family. She is always the one running around making sure that year in and year out, every birthday is accounted for. It's such a blessing having a mother like mine I tell you. I am the third born in  a family of four , two girls and two boys I being the youngest of the girls. We all have been close to both parents growing up but mostly our mother. All four of us are similar to her in different ways. 

When I say that my mother is 1 in a million , I literally mean 1 in a million. I have never come across a woman like her and I doubt I will. They don't turn out like that anymore these days, not as original anyway. I remember when we were growing up in Sunningdale 1 in Harare, my dad being the eldest of the boys in his family. He was working at Air Zimbabwe and running his welding business on the side which made him the bread winner of the entire family. I never quite understood why it was like that, that relatives would always come to our house and my mother would always welcome them with a smile . We on the other hand were not too happy as we knew that it meant sharing pretty much everything with them, especially if we were of  the same age as them. It didn't help much that we lived so near to town so everyone who was coming from anywhere would pass by  and always stay a day or two. Looking at it as I matured into a woman and had my own home, what my mother installed in us back then was something that has shaped all four of us into caring individuals. I got so used to always having people around that even up to now I always welcome people into my home with a smile. She would always tell us as we were growing up that, if someone comes to you in need of your help , you should do what you can because sometimes that is the way that God wants to bless you.

My mother's profession is a Tailor, when we were still in Zimbabwe she used to work for Topic and run a business from home as well. She would take time off and go to Mauritius to sell some things there and ones they were bought she would buy things to bring back and sell. We would sometimes go with her if it was during the school holidays. For us it would certainly be a holiday and we would enjoy the amazing beaches in Mauritius while she is busy meeting her customers.  Working hard was always a must with her. She would always say that "nothing comes from laziness, God will always bless the work of your hands". So I learnt how to work using my hands. In this country we are in, we all know that nothing comes easy , you have got to get up and go to keep a roof over your head and food on the table. I thank her for installing that in me, I know had work pays off always.

When people say they are Angels here on earth , I totally believe it because I was raised by one. My mother's heart is totally amazing, every day I pray to have a heart like that. Always smiling , always forgiving, always thinking of others before self.She always has time for all of us despite what is going on in her own life. A very calm and humble person that you can not help but fall in love with the minute you meet her.
A grandmother of 7, she has youth of someone barely 40 years old. I pray I can look that young at her age, but then they do say that , if you want to know how one looks when they are older you should look at the mother, so I think i will be ok..loool..  Her faith and trust in God has helped me grow spiritually too, church is very important to my mother. I go to her many times with all these plans and ideas of things I want to do and she always says to me" in all you do, always make a covenant with God, let him be in the center of it all". She is contently sending me bible verses to read and we always pray together. Her life to me is a living testimony of God's greatness. I could write a book about her and it would certainly make a good read. 

As I finish off my post for today I would like to wish "The Queen of my World" my dear mother Naome Chibamu a very Happy Birthday. May the Lord continue to give you good health, may he grant all the desires of your heart, may he continue to let his light shine bright upon you . I love you loads and have an amazing day because that is what you deserve.    

Monday 17 February 2014


It has taken me a whole year to get my writing skills back to play. It's been a while since I did any writing of any sort so I maybe a bit rusty to start with .I've always been known for writing articles about entertainment and conducting interviews and so fourth. My blog is going to be different from my usual, this will be my platform to do some free writing . It will mainly contain my thoughts, feeling ,experiences etc. I am looking forward to sharing with you all in the hopes that what I write on here will change someone's life one way or another.  

As I sit here with my laptop on my lap, I am trying to figure out where to begin. Do I start by introducing myself, or do I just get in there and start writing? Both of those things right now seem to be ideal so I will go ahead and do a bit of both. My name is Jackie Chibamu , I am 32 years old and a proud single mother of 2 boys aged 9&7 . I believe that life is too short to sit back and let your dreams pass you by. I am a strong believe in getting up every morning and going for what I want out of life. Giving up is not an option for me, I would rather try my best and fail, than to just sit there not knowing if I could have made it or not. As I warm up to all this , u will get to know much more about me and the things that make me the person I am. This journey that we are embarking on together will certainly be a great experience for everyone involved. That's all for now.... but before I go , I just want to say that " Be fearless, be brave,be bold and love yourself, no one can do a better job of that more than you can".