Monday, 2 January 2017


So I have started reading a book called JOURNEY TO THE HEART  by Melody Beattie ... It's  Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul.... I just thought we could read it together... As I have entitled 2017 to be my year of Self Discovery,  I thought I should find books to take me through this journey and this happens to be a fantastic one at that... I hope you will join me on this and also get to discover who you are and what your purpose is ... I desire to live a more fulfilled life with meaning and purpose.. To do the things I love and do them with great passion , purpose and a much greater meaning... I desire to change the world in so many ways ... To see especially more Women and Young People discover their true being and go out there and serve the world doing what God created them to do....Everyone of us was created for a reason and a purpose, I desire  to find out how far I  can get to following my dreams and my heart ....
It has daily passages for every day of the year.... So today I will share 1 and 2 January ... Then every day there after...

Meditations open the heart, free the soul....
This is a book about Discovery... Use it as a map or guide for your soul's journey through the year... Read each day according to the date.

Meditation takes us to places of power, healing, peace....
Meditation takes us to a different place... Come with me now as we travel to places of peace, healing, and power; then know that you can find those places, each day in yourself.



Beginnings can be delicate or explosive. They can start almost invisible or arrive with a big bang. Beginnings hold the promise of new lessons to be learnt, new territories to be explored, and old lessons to be recalled , practiced , and appreciated.  Beginnings hold ambiguity,  promise, fear, and hope.

Don't let the lessons, experiences of the past , dampen your enthusiasm for beginnings.  Just because it's been hard doesn't mean that it will always be that difficult. Don't let the heart breaks of the past cause you to become cynical, close you off life's magic and promise.Open yourself  wide to all that the universe has to say.

Let yourself begin anew . Pack your bags. Choose carefully what you bring, because packing is an important ritual. Take along some humility and the lessons of the past. Toss in some curiosity and excitement about what you haven't yet learned. Say your goodbyes to those you're leaving behind. Don't worry who you will meet or where you will go. The way has been prepared. The people you are to meet will be expecting you. A new journey has begun. Let it be magical. Let it unfold.

     All parts of the journey are sacred and holy
     Take time now to honor the beginning.



Go on your own journey. Don't let others hold you back: don't hold them back. Don't judge their journey, and don't let them judge yours.
All persons are free to have the experiences their soul lead them to. Many of use started our journey by having the experiences others thought we should. Some of us tried to dictate the lessons and adventures of others, too. This caused pain and confusion for all. Learning those lessons, the lessons of setting each other free, became an important part of our journey. But now we are onto a new part.

Pack your bags. Get out your map. Don't worry about where you'll go and what you will see . Go where your heart leads. Your soul knows the way. It will speak quietly through the voice of your heart, your wisdom, your intuition. Listen to the voice, the quiet voice within, that assures you you're safe. You will meet and learn from everyone you will need to along the way. Don't limit the experiences of those you love, or those you meet along the way.

                Start today to follow your heart.
                 Map out your own journey.
                 Have the adventure of a lifetime....

That's it for today. As you read this, think about your future starting from today.  Those goals for 2017 that you have written down. Think about what this will mean to you life, your career, your relationships,  your businesses but most importantly,  yourself... Until tomorrow...👑 Jackie Chibamu👑

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