Thursday 12 June 2014

"5 Minutes with Nduna Q Silace"

"5 Minutes with Nduna Q Silace"

Nduna? Who is Nduna?……This is the most popular question asked by people when they hear the sweet melodies and mature message often churned out by now popular Zimdancehall artist. Born "Qinisela Mhlanga", and popularly known as"Nduna Q Silace" by his legion of fans, he has composed several hit songs that have seen plenty of airtime on various online radio stations, with also a dedicated channel on YouTube (Kev5007). His most popular song- "Kana Ndinewe" has been an anthem at most parties, weddings, gochi gochi (BBQs), and in night clubs.
This 27 year old, known to be humble and down to earth, was born in Nkayi (Matebeleland) and grew up at Gwebi College.  Born in a family of 4 siblings but sadly his only sister passed away in 2010. He attended school at Gwebi primary and later went to Nyavira Secondary. He is a loving husband and a proud father of one
According to Nduna, he never foresaw himself being a dancehall artist but he knew he was lyrically gifted with a rhyming talent that can only leave one in total awe as heard in his song-"Handina Reverse Dhiri".  His first inspirational source was Alexio Kawara, Glen Washington, but it was Freeman who inspired him to venture into the Zimdancehall fraternity when they met at Nhubu Studios where they recorded 5 tracks together-“Ndangariro”, “Pane vaye, vaye”, “Runokwana”, “Handichakuda”, “Ndagutsikana”.
So, I had to ask him , why the name NDUNA?, as this is not a name most artists would prefer and he explains in his childhood neighbourhood where he grew up, people used to refer to his family as Nduna’s, which translates to "Chief or King" in Ndebele, someone who is honoured, respected and cherished. Most people who have listened to his music would  probably recognize the distinct ‘Silaciaah’ at the beginning of most of his and asked the meaning of it, the laid back singer explains it’s meant to identify his style, similar to "Winky D" saying Kamaan,  as he chuckles.

With a voice often referred to as melodically soft, Nduna’s passion is love and unity which is evident in most of his songs. Some of his songs refer to fairness in the country (Ghetto RYTS and Mr Minister) although he reiterates its not politically motivated but just expressing the difficulties the upcoming generations face day to day.
 His love songs have all ages mesmerised with his diverse and mature lyrics and the singer explains ,“I get inspirations from day to day observations and experience”. The song-‘Kana Ndinewe’ hit the airwaves religiously but according to Nduna, the one song he penned with all his heart was ‘Letter to Wadza’ which the artist describes he used more than 200 words to express how he felt at that time. He explains “It is evident when you listen to the song; it is one of the few songs I have written with no chorus but continued expression of my feelings”.

When asked what should someone expect to hear when they listen to your music, he states that like most artists, he hopes his music is deemed constructive, yet entertaining at the same time, “Most marriages are falling apart and I hope when someone listens to my songs, it will take them back to when they first met or my music will remind them how blessed they are to be in each other’s lives”.

Future prospects?, Nduna acknowledges that  Zimdancehall industry is currently flooded with upcoming artists who have a plethora of talent, all hoping to have that one hit single, but he hopes in the next coming years, his music will continue to be a distinct brand which reflects maturity and constructive lyrics to the audience. 

The artist acknowledges he has worked with a lot of people who have been a stepping platform in his career, including Nhubu Digital, Levels, Tman, Samba Bee, Oblic, Dollargetta, Fidel, Tevin, Cashlibs, Kingvibes .And he gives special thanks to Dj Sparks who supported him with local distribution and his International Manager Kev Maf

As a big fan of Nduna myself it brings me great pleasure to have moments like these. Again the future of our Zimdancehall continues to shine brighter by the day. That always puts a smile on my face on a regular basis. Lets continue to support our Local Talent as they are the future of our Music Industry.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

"The King of Style Qounfuzed turns 21"

"The King of Style Qounfuzed turns 21"
by Jackie Chibamu
As we help the talented "Macdonald Sheldon" known too well by his stage name of "Qounfuzed" celebrate his 21st birthday today . With age comes maturity too, this year so far the young and talented artist has had his ups and downs like any other artist and young man in this industry, but it seems the future is looking brighter for him. As he turns 21 today , a lot of doors seem to be opening up in his career as well as personal life.

Asked how he felt about being 21 today Qounfuzed had this to say " My 20 years so far have been OK, a few potholes and ups and downs personally and professionally but that's life , I managed to get through them. That 1 added today is what I am using as experience, I have learnt alot and looking forward to now putting to practise what I have learnt. I have made alot of mistakes but also learnt alot from them and made some changes to my life in many areas". I am looking forward to the future because there so many exciting things that lay ahead for me.

Lately a lot has been happening in his musical career, with him landing himself with International Management as well as his first International UK Tour lined up for the 1,2&3August 2014 promoted by Classic Entertainment . " I am so excited about this tour and looking forward to it. I just want to thank Classic Entertainment for giving me this opportunity because it's every artist's dream come true to tour the UK". 

His love for Charity work as landed him a role has one of the Ambassadors for a  Charity called Care Reserve which is working with the children at Rusike Care Home
. He is currently working on the Charity song and will be visiting the Children's home a few days a month doing varies activities with them starting this month. He will also be holding some Fund raising Events for the Charity as well to help raise money for different needs.
"This is a new experience for me and  I am totally looking forward to it. I am personally excited about this as this will show a different side of me that a lot of people have never seen before. It's something positive and something that makes me happy as well. It will show my maturity and I am proud of myself that I will be able to use my time wisely. This is certainly my greatest achievement so far as it's something I have always wanted to do and I encourage other artists to get involved with any Charity work they can . It will certainly make a difference in someones life and the feeling of knowing that you have put a smile on someones face is totally priceless"

As if this is not enough, Qounfuzed has in the past 4 weeks managed to shoot a total of 8 videos that will all be released on the 10th of June on These videos will feature some of his hit songs POTO, Ndakusuwa, Kure just to mention a few.The 8th video was done as a documentary type that features an overall of his work so far including his live performances and other stuff he is currently working on at present. It also features some artists too he has worked with just saying what they think about him and his work. A preview of his videos will be shown on the 8th as a "Birthday Special "to all his fans that have always supported him over the years and continue to encourage him to keep pressing on.

I just want to take this opportunity to thank my Mother for always supporting my dream, God for the talent he gave me , My Manager Walter for always standing by me through thick and thin. To every one who has shown me undying love I say thank you. Thank you too Jackie Chibamu for everything. All my fans all over the world ,  all the Djs and Promoters out there ndokudayi mese and "Tisu Tega Tiriko"

His officially Birthday Party will be held on Sunday the 8th of June @ Splash-Mereki from 3pm-late . This event is Hosted by MaddUnit Family// Garry B .. Over 20 Artists are set to perform live.

Personally when I get to talk about things like this I do it with great joy. It's good to know that your yesterday does not out line your tomorrow. We all make mistakes in our day to day lives but as long as we are ready to learn something and move on then the sky is the limit. It gives me great joy to be working with Qounfuzed and his Manager Walter who are working tirelessly to ensure that all goes to plan. Surely with the right guidance and encouragement from the right people our music industry and the artists in it will stand strong and grow. The sky is the limit as long as one is ready to put in all the hard work.

Happy 21st "Macdonald Sheldon" aka "Qounfuzed", never give up on your dreams because dreams can come true . Dream big and big things will happen. Have a great day as you deserve it.